Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Your nursery

The letters I made to hang in your room! Your Aunt Hay had the idea and helped me get started. Love them!

Your furniture and bedding are finally here! It all looks so good with the color of the paint. I was so excited for it all to get here. It sure did make it real knowing that you will be sleeping in the crib very soon. :) We have had so much fun getting your nursery ready. Your Grammy Jane came over one day and helped me wash all your clothes, blankets, etc. to get them ready for your arrival. It is so fun to open the dresser drawers and see all your little clothes. About 8 more weeks and you will be with us! We got to see you again at our 3-D ultrasound and you are absolutely perfect! You were kind of shy during the whole thing and insisted on covering your face but we did get some really good shots. I think you have your daddy's nose. We look forward to meeting you VERY soon! Love you Reid.


  1. Mr. Reid....you are coming home to a very classy looking room. Having it ready to receive YOU makes us want to welcome you even more. By the time you "move in" those drawers and that closet will be bursting with things for you get all decked out in.
    Grandpa Ron

  2. Your nursery looks so amazing. You will feel so cozy and warm in your room. I loved washing all of your clothes..your great grandma taught me so well. She is looking down from heaven loving you already. Next month Reid we will see you.

    Grammy Jane a/k/a your nanny
