Sunday, July 25, 2010

Reading, reading, and more reading

Well I definitely have enough reading material to learn all I need to know about being pregnant! Of course the pregnancy bible, What to Expect When You're Expecting, was one of the first books we bought. Although a little overwhelming at times, it has been very helpful! I thouroughly enjoyed reading Belly Laughs by Jenny McCarthy. Such an easy read and she doesn't sugar coat anything. A must read for any other pregnant women out there. We also bought Baby Bargains which I have yet to open due to all the anxiety it may bring. HA! It talks about all the different baby things we will need for you, from bottles to strollers. Not quite ready to open that one yet. Your dad also has some reading to do. He is not much a reader of books so I am sure sometime around the 8th month or so they will be opened! He also ordered me the Parenting magazine so I can have even more material to read! I will try and read as much as I can until your arrival. Although I have a feeling that the motto of a first time parent is "live and learn" and no matter how much I read there will always be something that I didn't know. :)

1 comment:

  1. Don't worry about the "stuff" that babies need (other than where to put it and how long it takes to pack the vehicle to go anywhere....HA) ......lots of people to help accumulate that. As for the "help" books.....the process has been going on for a few tens of thousands of years by much less competent people than you will be wonderful parents.
